Friday, April 19, 2013

Questions, Questions

written and illustrated by Marcus Pfister

This story is a book filled with questions all about nature. "How do seeds know how to grow, to reach up from the earth below?" "How do birds learn how to sing?" The book also is written in a way that rhymes and is in a sort of sing-song tone. It asks questions from seasons to the animals of the Earth, and everything in between. I really liked the illustrations in this book. They were extremely colorful and bright. Marcus Pfister was one of my favorite authors when I was younger. He wrote and illustrated The Rainbow Fish, which was my favorite books when I was little. In Rainbow Fish, on each page the fish had multi-colored scales but one scale on each page were a few silver shimmery scales that were almost a sequin material. I thought it was extremely interesting that in this book, Questions, Questions, that on every page part of his illustration also included a silver shimmery sequin-like material. I was assume that is probably a signature of Pfister. 

For the most part I enjoyed this book. It doesn't really follow a story it is just questions. The only thing that I was a little overwhelmed with when I was reading was that there was not one answer to any of the questions. Children, being as curious as they are are always asking "Why this..?" or "Why that?" I think it would be a little more helpful to include some answers in this book because I think this might just make them question things more. I think this would be a good book for 2nd or 3rd grade classroom to introduce a science lesson. That way some of the questions could be answered for the students. 


  1. I think it is very interesting to learn that in Pfister other books he has the same silver sequins.I have never heard of this authour, but from your explanation I can't wait to read more books by him. This book seems like it would spark curiousity, and a good discussion. I agree that children always are looking for answers, but maybe this is a way for children to create answers on their own.

  2. I want to read one of his books now just to see the sequins! But maybe not this particular story because I would be one of the few that would be frustrated because it doesn't answer any of these questions haha.

  3. This book seems like such a wonderful way to explain questions and answers! I agree that it is such a great way to share that not every question has an answer. Rainbow Fish was one of my favorites too. He is a perfect children's author!

  4. What a cool way to introduce the main point of the book! I think its good for students to learn about questions and answers and how some questions have long answers, short answers or no answers!
