Friday, April 12, 2013

A Couple of Boys Have the Best Week Ever

A Couple of Boys Have the Best Week Ever 
written and illustrated by Marla Frazee

James and his best friend Eamon go to Eamon’s grandparents house for 'nature camp''. The boys have their own ideas about what nature camp is like. The boys mostly choose to stay indoors instead of the suggestions that Eamon’s grandfather has. Eamon's grandpa suggests going to the penguin exhibit but the boys decline. The boys go on an adventure with the grandfather but are bored and would rather go back to the house and watch T.V. By the end of the book the boys seem to appreciate nature much more. The book is humorous with even some adult humor that some children might not understand. The books shows the value of friendship and nature and the word bubbles that are included in the illustrations really add to the story. The book does portray a stereotypical family a grandmother, grandfather and grandson and being sensitive to the children's own family life is necessary. 

I really enjoyed this book because I liked the message of the story. I think that children in younger generations do not seem to play outside and do not have as many outdoor activities that they participate in that I did when I was growing up. All I ever wanted to do when I got home from school or during the summer was play outside and now children want to sit inside and watch TV and play video games. I think it's important that children learn to appreciate nature at an early age and I think this is a great book to teach that. I would recommend this book for possibly Kindergarten to 3rd grade. 


  1. i think this book would be great to introduce kids to the value of nature. when i was little i played outside so much, and now i see the same as you, too many kids inside too much! besides the nature part of the book, the friendship part seems to be a good leeway into having the kids use the buddy system or just be a good friend.

  2. I think sounds like a good example for much of or problems today. As you said most kids just want to stay inside and play video games and watch tv. That is fine within reason. When kids do things like playing outside, they get more out of it. They get exercise. Especially camping, there is a lot of life lessons that could be taught during camping trips. Family bonding for these trips are also an amazing factor. It seems like a great book for kids!

  3. Sounds like a really cool book to read to kids to get them excited about going outside and playing! I loved playing outside when I was a kid, and I think this book can help bring that back to kids. Maybe incorporating an outdoor lesson with it? Fun!
