Friday, February 8, 2013

Interrupting Chicken

Interrupting Chicken
by David Ezra Stein

Interrupting Chicken is a story about a little chicken who asks her chicken father to read her some well known bedtimes stories before she goes to sleep. The chicken father tells the stories of Hansel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood, and Chicken Little but there is one problem... The little chicken interrupts in the middle of the stories each time and creates her own ending of the stories. This is a fictional story. This book also received Honors for the 2011 Caldecott awards. 

David Ezra Stein, the author, was raised in Queens and loved doodling and daydreaming. Many of his stories revolve around themes of friendship and nature. Many of his stories also are about animals with human characteristics. 

I chose this book because the cover of the book, which I included in the picture above, was interesting and funny to me. I also thought that the title itself was intriguing. I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it for students from Kinder to 2nd grade. I liked the book because the pictures were very entertaining as long with the story. I found myself laughing hysterically throughout this book which makes me believe that young children would love it even more. I think this is a great book to teach students that interrupting is not very nice but it teaches this lesson in a way that is still humorous. 

Here is an interview with David Ezra Stein about his creative process writing and illustrating Interrupting Chicken.

Video from YouTube:


  1. From what you said in your book talk, looking at this book from the cover and some of the inside pages, made me really want to read it too. I know I have a problem with interrupting sometimes too which is why I thought it was so funny. What a great way to teach this important lesson. The illustrations in the book also make it more enjoyable too.

  2. I think this would be a great book to read to young kids about manners! Interrupting is something a lot of little kids do and this story would be a good thing to read to them to show them that is not very polite. It seems like a very cute book and I'd love to read it to my daycare class!

  3. I love interviews with authors. It can really give a great insight into the making of a children's book. Thanks!
